Walk & Talk

I’ve been asked a lot recently about ways to combat Zoom fatigue. My favourite solution is completely free, dead simple and has many other business and health benefits too.

It’s a Walk and Talk (It’s Not Bloody Rocket Science!)

There’s nothing better than fresh air and moderate exercise for our brain health and general wellbeing. However, unless we pause to plan how we spend our time, in a northern hemisphere winter, it is easy to start and finish work in the dark.

Ever spent a day in virtual meetings and end your day knowing you should get out and active but simply don’t feel like it? Well, you aren’t alone. ‘Zoom Fatigue’ is an actual thing.

Our brains represent about 2% of our body weight but use about 20% of our daily oxygen requirement. Our cardiovascular system is kept in great condition with regular moderate exercise. In simple terms, anything that gets you moving also helps your brain function too.

So I’m increasingly challenging clients (more than ever with virtual and hybrid working) to pause to plan for more everyday ways to be outside and moving around when it’s light and in the mornings if they can.

In walking outside whilst we work, we are likely to sleep a little better and get the multiple benefits of natural light. This leads to us being less tired and more able to resist our urges to hunker down or over-eat for comfort as autumn kicks in.

Sadly, some of us feel a bit unsafe going out after work in the dark. However, even those who don’t could be forgiven for simply being more attracted to a glass of wine by the fire than a bracing walk in the drizzle! So integrating being outside and walking into the rhythm and routine of your working day means it is more likely to happen.

Given that most organisations rightly focus on physical and mental wellbeing to ensure their employees are engaged, healthy and productive, we could leave the benefits of a walk and talk there!

However, there is also growing scientific evidence that we can think more creatively when engaged in activities that get us outdoors, or in new environments where we can interact with the natural world.

Human beings are natural creatures, so it should be no surprise that finding ways to be outdoors and connect with nature can bring us many and varied tangible benefits.

We have two main modes of thinking. One we use for a lot of our working day. It’s our ‘getting things done’ mode. However many of the challenges we are currently facing require a different type of thinking – more problem-solving, innovating and strategic thinking. To do this type of work we need to connect with our ‘theta’ thinking mode.

Our ‘theta’ mode is more able to be accessed when we are relaxed and in more natural surroundings. Many people also say that taking a shower is another place they get their best ideas. Given the strong science of being in water or in natural light that would follow.

Our sweet spot or ‘Goldilocks’ moment for working through strategic problems also seems to occur when have a little bit of activity to engage with – taking a walk or washing our hair. Too much activity – when we are working hard at business as usual tasks won’t lead to the same inspiration – and neither will staring at a blank screen and waiting for inspiration to strike!

This combination of nature and activity means being in our ‘to do’ mode at our desks, or with our teams in a meeting room is likely to mean our brains simply can’t access the best ideas. Get in the water or the fresh air and engage in something moderately engaging to think more broadly and innovatively.

So my simple challenge to clients is to replace one or more virtual calls in their day with walking and talking together – walking together but separately with the other person in your earbuds.

Even better is if one of your walk-and-talk meetings is in the early morning light. We covered the fascinating science of this in The52Project.

That’s all there is to Walk and Talk.

Simple. Easy. Super-beneficial on multiple levels.

Win, Win, Win.

You might join a growing group of followers in my network who are surprised to find they seem to hear more, listen better and focus more easily – leading you to solve problems at pace – even without taking notes! And feel a bit lighter and brighter into the bargain.

Don’t let your current moment bias beat you here! Contact just one person right now and see if they fancy a Walk and Talk during this week, rather than a virtual meeting. In my experience, you will get way more “Ok, good idea, thanks!” or “Why not?”  than you will strange looks or flat-out “No Thanks”.

If I’m wrong, by all means, send them this science! If they still resist, well maybe it’s time to find a more modern and progressive group of colleagues to help you face the challenges in the VUCA workplace that the next few years are certain to bring.

Also, keep your eyes peeled for my first-ever LinkedIn Live next week with special guest Russell Danks, Marketing and Strategy Director at Punch Pubs, as we talk all about the science of Walk and Talk and why walking with someone in your ear could lead to a business breakthrough,

We listen. We understand. We are confident that we can create a bespoke solution
that really adds to your bottom line.

The best thing to do is to contact us for a virtual cuppa.