Book and Postcard Bundle

Book and Postcard Bundle

Book and Postcard Bundle

Book and Postcard Bundle

This bundle is designed to inspire and equip you with the knowledge and tools to become a more effective coach.

Choose ONE of the following books:

  • It’s Not Bloody Rocket Science: Life and Leadership Hacks via Neuroscience, Psychology and Common Sense by Dulcie Swanston: A no-nonsense, very practical book proven to help managers, leaders and coaches to understand snippets of science and to do those things better.
  • The Journal or Journal 2 by Dulcie Swanston: A practical companion to It’s Not Bloody Rocket Science – guided activities for self-coaching, increasing the ROI of learning – science made simple.
  • DOSE: Personal Prescriptions for a Happier Life and 52 Science Based Ways to Get It by Dulcie Swanston and Dr Iain Price. 52 science based wellbeing tips, made simple.


Choose ONE of the following postcard sets:

  • Mentoring Set: 6 Practical Cards for help Mentors and Mentees to have great 2 way sessions.
  • Coaching Set: 6 Practical Cards for Leaders who Coach to use with their teams to encourage great conversations.
  • Management Basics Set: 6 Practical Cards for First Time Line Managers to build confidence and skill.
  • Wellbeing and Motivation Set: 6 Cards to help thinking, planning and increase the personal energy for you and your team.


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